Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fundamentals of economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fundamentals of economics - Essay Example Some people are intended to spend loads of money and they also easily can do. We will see how rise in prices affect the living standards. There are so many elements in the standards of living. These are not only consumer goods but also there are some elements included in standards of living that cannot be purchased or are not under our control for example environmental quality and the services provided by the government. 2 Decline in living standard is not because of rise in prices. There are so many elements affecting the standards of living. 1. There have been a general slowdown in economic growth (the growth in the amount of goods and services produced) and in the growth of national income (the sum of all the income received in the nations). This means that the size of the income pie available to be divided among the families is growing very slowly than before. The prices of goods plays important roles for spending life, it can make life easy if prices of goods and services are low and it can creates more difficulties it prices are very high. But it does not mean to decline the standards of living. Standards of living depend on many factors. We have seen the factors those are affecting the standards of living and those are not affecting. There are also many other elements such as education, quality of education, health facilities.3 It can be defined as the income of the individuals or people after adjusting for inflation. It can be measured by subtracting the inflation from the nominal income. Mathematically it can be written as: Real income is a more useful indicator of well-being; it is based on the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with the income. It involves real variables as real income, real GDP and real interest rates. These real variables can be measured in physical units (standards of measurements of physical quantities)4. Nominal Income is the income that has

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Lord of the Flies is just a simple, happy ending Essay Example for Free

The Lord of the Flies is just a simple, happy ending Essay Adventure story. It is about children, for children and told from their perspective To what extent do you agree with this? Do you think being a savage; killing, hunting and fighting represents a simple adventure story? The first two chapters of this novel may show innocent and young boys on an island where no fear is held, and maybe that is what it is; referring to the original sin. Which is a story from the Bible showing that everyone is born with evil inside them and it seems that the island has brought this out of the boys. You may be thinking, what about Piggy and Simon? The amount of conflict between the boys increased throughout the book. It started between Jack and Piggy, Jack through insults at him such as Shut up yah fatty! and Piggy stated things directed towards Jack in the form of an insult too, You and your blood Jack Merridew! and then Piggy just refers to Jack as him when Jack leaves Ralphs leadership. Adventure books arent supposed to have arguing, all the boys are supposed to get along! During chapter four, Golding shows that its not only Piggy that Jack hates, but Ralph too, splashing and laughing are just about enough to bring them back together again. At the start of the book it seems a happy adventure as all the boys do get along and listen to Ralphs rules but things start to change as Jack realises theres no point in listening to Ralph as he wanted to be leader all along. As Ralph is leader and made rules for the other boys, calling an assembly, this shows the maturity in the book and his adult characteristics. He seemed to handle things well but then knew he could not think as well as Piggy. Jack shows the immaturity on the island as he treats everything as a game. When the boys had been showing a role-play of their hunt and Robert was the pig, Jack had become quite aggressive hurting Roger, but afterwards all he said was, That was a good game. And when he left the others he said, I dont want to play with Ralphs lot anymore. When Jack first entered the island he was a fair skinned boy who attended the choir and was thought of as a leader, so he didnt take it well when Ralph was chosen as leader instead of him. So to make things even he was made leader of the hunters. At first Jack grimaced distastefully at the touch of blood. This then changed and he had a sharpened stick at one endtattered shorts held up by a knife belt. Does this show an innocent choirboy from an adventure story? Simon was Goldings way of expressing nature in the novel and when the boys killed Simon, they did not as they thought kill the beast but they let the beast out and killed hope and peace. Piggy and Simon were the means of civilisation. Piggy was the only one besides Ralph who stood up to Jack and he was the one who always remembered rescue, hope, signal fire and innocence. When the savages took away Piggys glasses they also took away civilisation and soon after that they took away his life. Adventure stories always end with a happy ending so how could Lord of the Flies be an adventure story? Unless Ralph is being hunted down is happy. I suppose in away it is happy because Ralph received what he had wanted from the moment they set foot on the island; rescue. The ending was ironic as all the way through Ralph had wanted his fire and depended on signal and Jack had been the same about hunting. They both got what they wanted as they were rescued by Jack hunting down Ralph with a fire. Putting all my points together I have come to the conclusion that The Lord of the Flies novel is surely an adventure but not the simple, innocent little boy type as it involves hunting, death, fighting and conflict. It shows the break up of society, lack of civilisation, evil and sin. But on the other hand it shows sunlight, fun, games, nature, happiness and laughter. Although the simple adventure part of this novel would show little boys stuck on an island having fun and trying to be rescued and would not add in the death and arguments.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Utopian Society in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley :: Brave New World Essays

In the novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley a dystopia is presented of a Utopian society where happiness is brought through a drug and your predestined life follows. Aldous Huxley conveys different conflicts with characters being isolated from the society they are being forced to live within. In which, these characters, are brought about reliance of soma, a drug, to stabilize their life. As well as this, the novel expresses the on going battles of having a society that is "perfect". Therefore, because of the isolated, delusional nonperfected-society, the World State introduced in Brave New World defines a Utopian Society. Throughout the story the characters are presented in different social classes. In this World State, society isn't broken down into race, sex, or wealth, it deals with the intelligence level of a human being. Character by character is presented with a strong detachment from reality and the lack of freewill they are given. "It is only kind of pre-natal conditioning envisioned in Brave New World itself, in which the beings produced from bottles are so changed that they are no longer Homo sapiens, that will permanently keep men down" describing the fact that the people made in these test tubes are not normal men (Woodcock 273). Here, you see the outlook that no one could be an acceptable human being when being produced from a bottle. From the top, Alphas, and the bottom, Epsilons, where society is created through test tubes, in which, "Alphas and Betas [remain], (in incubators), until definitely bottled, while the Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons were brought out again, after thirty-six hours to undergo Bokanovsky's Process. . . where eight to ninety-six buds and (where) every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo. . . (and the Epsilons suffer) oxygen-shortage for keeping an embryo below par. . . (where) the lower the caste. . .the shorter the oxygen, (and) the brain will be affected first" (Huxley 4-5,15). With the first breath of life, the people have already been determined their fate. As well as the Neo-Pavlovian, which is a procedure to condition kids to respond or not respond to different objects. Roses and books were placed in front of eight month old babies, and "the babies at once fell silent, then began to crawl towards (the roses). . .(and) the crawling babies came squeals of excitement, gurgles and twitterings of pleasure.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparison of Hobbes and Al-Farabi

Reading Response 4 Sarah Zou Sep. 23. 2012 LBST 1B11 Comparison of Hobbes and Al-Farabi Human nature was one of the most controversial topics now and then. In two of the world’s greatest philosophers’ essay, they discussed their own perception of human nature. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), England’s political philosopher, who discussed his view on the degeneration of human nature in his book, Leviathan, which depicted the natural state of humanity as nasty and brutish.His point of view came across many similarities as Al- Farabi (870- 950 CE) an Arab Scientist and philosopher during the Golden Age of Islam. With a group of philosopher, Al- Farabi created synthesis on Aristotelian thought and Muslin theology. His subject of interests varies from music to sociological and political issues. In his, On the Perfect State, he compared political state as a body, which the most important part of heart was the ruler. From both Hobbes and Al-Farabis’ perspective they b oth argued, in order to maintain a civil society, a form of ruling system was more than necessary.Hobbes suggested that the nature of men were equal, because everyone has different strengths that others may not posses. Al-Farabi supported this point by saying that human is not naturally perfect, they needed to be provided, and contribute to the needs of society with their strength in order to achieve perfection. And because of this equality, Hobbes stated, men needed to compete against each other or became enemies to achieve their goals. Therefore no one can be trusted because their interests might conflict and become enemies.So it was unclear that how powerful one must become to be always secured. However this theory contradicts with Al-Farabi’s statement of people in societies must co-operate and come together to supply each other. Another point Hobbes declared regarding human nature was: everyone desired to be valued, but when they were not, they damage others to get more value. Thus it was significant to sustain a form of constrain to prevent the destruction, and sustain justice in the society. Similar statement by Al-Farabi also supported Hobbes’ idea.When part of the system is out of order, the ruler or the heart of the system must remove the disorder. Consequently both essay emphasized: Even though a law system might limit certain people’s freedom, only when there was law, justice could be remained. Hobbes’ idea of peace means not only without conflict but a reliable structure to prevent conflict. By freeing men’s nature, there were no forms of government to restrain or assurance, so war appears. During a time of war, man’s security could only be coming from one’s own strength.There were neither society nor culture, only fear and danger of violent death in war. Human nature will do what they desire until they know of a law that will stop them. Only when there is law there is justice. Although Al-Farabiâ⠂¬â„¢s interpretation of a perfect society could agree to Hobbes’ law system, his idea on the qualities of a ruler differs from Hobbes’ perception of human nature. Al-Farabi described an ideal ruler had to be naturally born with leadership skills, and in the process of leading, decisions made the rulers were often relying heavily on their nature and virtue.However, Hobbes thought, virtue is not ability that inherited by man, or given by nature, with no exception to the rulers, because the rulers were human themselves, their desire were no different than others. Therefore, to maintain a civilized, justice and organized society could not only rely on the virtue of human nature, but also through a system of law to constrain some desires of people, even the leaders, to achieve an overall freedom and security for the majority.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Importance of Life Events

The Importance of Life Events Change is a part of life no one expects. Everyone’s life changes at some point and in most cases at many points. Life is full of obstacles and challenges but it’s the choices you make that change the course of your life. People learn and grow from every experience they have it’s the differences in interpretation. Pregnancy is a part of life that can change peoples course in many ways. Some parents find themselves raising children by themselves, and some stuck in relationships they don’t want or have to make the tough decision on whether or not to have their child. Each chooses in some way what paths to take and each has a different out come, each will change their lives in many ways. Parenting can make people stronger, more sensitive to others or maybe make changes in jobs and free time a child is a life long experience that has its own cross roads and life decisions. Accidents happen to every one but they can have long lasting effects. A broken bone ,concussion, car accident , plain crash all these things are accidents but they can change peoples lives for ever. From morning family members or the loss of jobs all in small ways change your life, it is in the decisions they make after accidents that may change the hole course of lives. People around the person feel the repercussions to maybe its someone else’s accident they learned from it doesn’t matter life’s lessons can be hard to swallow some times but they force you to reevaluate every situation. Death is the most horrible experience for anyone involved but it gives anyone who experiences it a new look at life. The deaths of parents, siblings, friends and worse of all children, can be the most devastating part of life. It’s the choices made in death that shape the kind of person they are. They can choose to hide away and take shelter and come out with more inspiration then before, they could stay strong and brake when they least expect it or find peace and moving on and letting go. Death is a part of life that changes more the once around then the one experiencing it. Though life seems to do its own thing some times in the end it is the choices people make before, during, and after major events that can truly change the paths of our lives. People have the power to do anything, they just need to look into themselves to figure out were their trying to go. You cant dream big if you don’t do big things.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Make Bromocresol Green Indicator

How to Make Bromocresol Green Indicator Bromocresol green (BCG) is a triphenylmethane dye that is used as a pH indicator for titration, DNA agarose gel electrophoresis, and microbiological growth media. Its chemical formula is C21H14Br4O5S. The aqueous indicator is yellow below pH 3.8 and blue above pH 5.4. This is the recipe for bromocresol green pH indicator solution. Key Takeaways: Bromocresol Green Indicator Recipe Bromocresol green is a pH indicator that is yellow below pH 3.8 and blue over pH 5.4. Between pH 3.8 and 5.4 it is green.The indicator is made from bromocresol green powder dissolved in ethanol.Bromocresol green is most often used for electrophoresis, titration, and in microbial growth media. Bromocresol Green pH Indicator Ingredients 0.1 g of bromocresol greenethyl alcohol Prepare the Bromocresol Green Solution 0.1% in alcohol Dissolve 0.1 g of bromocresol green in 75 mL of ethyl alcohol.Dilute the solution with ethyl alcohol to make 100 ml. 0.04% aqueous Dissolve 0.04 g of bromocresol green in 50 mL of deionized water.Dilute the solution with water to make 100 ml. While bromocresol green is usually dissolved in ethanol or water, the dye is also soluble in benzene and diethyl ether. Safety Information Contact with bromocresol green powder or indicator solution may cause irritation. Contact with skin and mucous membranes should be avoided. Sources Kolthoff, I.M. (1959). Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Interscience Encyclopedia, Inc. New York.Sabnis, R. W. (2008).  Handbook of Acid-Base Indicators. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Charles X of France essays

Charles X of France essays When Charles X ascended the throne (1824) he was 67 years old. He had become bigoted and set in his ways. However, the people of France seemed to welcome his ascension due to their jealousy over the British Monarchy. Had Charles X perhaps been more accommodating to the needs of the ordinary people of France, or acted more subtly, his reign promised to be a successful one. So why was it that it lasted only 6 years (1824-30)? One of the mistakes that Charles X made was his failure to reconcile the gains of the revolution with the Ultras. This may have caused some conflict. Charles X, who was the leader of the Ultras, was open about the connection and made it clear that the aims of the Ultras went against the Charter and many of the main gains of the revolution. For example, the revolution had gained freedom of the press, of association, of speech and movement, as well as careers being open to talent and equality before the law. However, the Ultras wanted a return to a feudalistic system where strict censorship of the press was enforced, and aristocratic privileges restored. The prospect of these aims being gratified was abhorrent to the people of France, hence their suspicions of a monarch so obviously in favour of the Ultra movement. These suspicions grew when Charles X began to put some of the aims of the Ultras into practice. For example, the re-admittance of the Jesuits into France, the disban ding of the National Guard and civil militia and the re-establishment of censorship of the press. The French people were scared of a return to the unjust era, which preceded the revolution of 1789. One of the fears of the French people was that Charles X would recover the estates that used to belong to the migrs, as this was an aim of the Ultras. However, Charles X did not do so. He instead compensated the migrs in 1825, which confirmed the current lan ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Causes of the Russian Revolution Part 2

Causes of the Russian Revolution Part 2 Causes Part 1. Ineffective Government The ruling elites were still mostly land owning aristocracy, but some in the civil service were landless. The elites ran the state bureaucracy and sat above the normal population. Unlike other countries the elites and the landed depended on the tsar and had never formed a counter to him. Russia had a strict set of civil service ranks, with jobs, uniforms etc., where advancement was automatic. The bureaucracy was weak and failing, losing the experience and skills needed in the modern world, but refusing to let people with those skills in. The system was a vast overlapping chaos, full of confusion, tsarist divide and rule and petty jealousy. Laws overrode other laws, the tsar able to override all. To the outside it was arbitrary, archaic, incompetent and unfair. It stopped the bureaucracy from becoming professional, modern, efficient or as a counter to as medieval looking monarch.Russia had got like this by making a choice. An influx of professional civil servants produced the Great Re forms of the 1860s, to strengthen the state through western reform after the Crimean War. This included ‘freeing’ the serfs (of a sort) and in 1864 created zemstvos, local assemblies in many areas leading to a form of self-rule sandwiched between nobles, who resented it, and peasants, who often did too. The 1860s were liberal, reforming times. They could have led Russia towards the west. It would have been costly, difficult, prolonged, but the chance was there.However, the elites were divided on a response. Reformists accepted the rule of equal law, political freedom, a middle class and opportunities for the working class. Calls for a constitution led Alexander II to order a limited one. The rivals of this progress wanted the old order, and were made up of many in the military; they demanded autocracy, strict order, nobles and church as dominant forces (and the military of course). Then Alexander II was murdered, and his son shut it down. Counter reforms, to centralize control, and strength the personal rule of the tsar followed. Alexander II’s death is the start of the Russian tragedy of the twentieth century.    The 1860s meant Russia had people who had tasted reform, lost it and looked for†¦ revolution.Imperial government ran out below the eighty nine provincial capitals. Below that peasants ran it their own way, alien to the elites above. Localities were under governed and the old regime was not a hyper powerful all seeing oppression. Old government was absent and out of touch, with a small number of police, state officials, who were co-opted for more and more by the state as there wasn’t anything else (for instant checking roads). Russia had a small tax system, bad communications, small middle class, and a serfdom which ended with the landowner in charge still. Only very slowly was the Tsar’s government meeting the new civilians.Zemstvos, run by locals, became key. The state rested on landowning nobles, but they were in decline post emancipation, and used these small local committees to defend themselves against industrializing and state government. Up to 1905 this was a liberal movement pushing for safeguards and provincial society, e.g. peasant versus landowner, calling for more local power, a Russian parliament, a constitution. The provincial nobility were the early revolutionaries, not workers. Alienated Military The Russian military was full of tensions against the Tsar, despite it supposedly being the man’s biggest supporter. Firstly it kept losing (Crimea, Turkey, Japan) and this was blamed on the government: military expenditure declined. As industrialization was not as advanced in the west, so Russia became poorly trained, equipped and supplied in the new methods and lost. The soldiers and self-aware officers were being demoralized. Russian soldiers were sworn to the Tsar, not the state. History seeped into all aspects of the Russian court and they obsessed over little details like buttons, not fixing a feudal army lost in a modern world.Also, the army was being used more and more to support the provincial governors in suppressing revolts: despite the facts much of the lower ranks were peasants too. The army began to fracture over demand to stop civilians. That was before the condition of the army itself where people were seen as serfs, sub civilian slaves by officers. In 1917, ma ny soldiers wanted a reform of the army as much as of the government. Above them were a group of new professional military men who saw the faults through the system, from trench technique to supply of arms, and demanded effective reform. They saw the court and the tsar as stopping it. They turned to the Duma as an outlet, beginning a relationship which would change Russian in early 1917. The Tsar was losing the support of his talented men. An Out of Touch Church The Russians were involved in a foundation myth of being at one with and defending the Orthodox Church and orthodox Russia, which began at the very start of the state. In the 1900s this was stressed this over and over. The Tsar as political-religious figure was unlike anywhere in the west and he or she could damn with the church as well as destroy with laws. The church was vital for controlling the mostly illiterate peasants, and priests had to preach obedience to the Tsar and report objections to police and to state. They allied easily with the last two Tsars, who wanted a return to medieval times.But industrialization was pulling peasants into secular cities, where churches and priests lagged behind the vast growth. The church did not adapt to urban life and a growing number of priests called for reform of it all (and the state too). Liberal clergy realized reform of church only possible with a move away from the tsar. Socialism was what answered the workers new needs, not old Chri stianity. Peasants not exactly enamored of priests and their actions harked to a pagan time, and many priests were underpaid and grasping. A Politicized Civil Society By the 1890s, Russia had developed an educated, political culture among a group of people who were not yet numerous enough to truly be called a Middle Class, but who were forming between the aristocracy and the peasants / workers. This group were part of a ‘civil society’ which sent their youth to be students, read newspapers, and looked towards serving the public rather than the Tsar. Largely liberal, the events of a severe famine in the early 1890s both politicized and radicalized them, as their collective action outlined them to them both how ineffective the Tsarist government now was, and how much they could achieve if they were allowed to unite. The members of the zemstvo’s were chief among these. As the Tsar refused to meet their demands, so many of this social sphere turned against him and his government. Nationalism Nationalism came to Russia at the end of the nineteenth century and neither Tsars government nor liberal opposition could cope with it. It was the socialists who pushed regional independence, and socialist-nationalists who did best among the different nationalists. Some nationalists wanted to stay in the Russian empire but get greater power; the Tsar inflamed this by stamping on it and Russifying, turning cultural movements into fierce political opposition. Tsars had always Russified but it was now much worse Repression and Revolutionaries The Decembrist uprising of 1825 triggered a series of reactions in Tsar Nicholas I, including the creation of a police state. Censorship was combined with the ‘Third Section’, a group of investigators looking into acts and thoughts against the state, which could exile to Siberia suspects, not just convicted of any transgression, but just suspected of it. In 1881 the Third Section became the Okhranka, a secret police fighting a war using agents everywhere, even pretending to be revolutionaries. If you want to know how the Bolsheviks expanded their police state, the line started here.The revolutionaries of the period had been in harsh Tsarist prisons, hardened into extremism, the weak falling away. They started as intellectuals of Russia, a class of readers, thinkers and believers, and were turned into something colder and dark. These derived from the Decembrists of the 1820s, their first opponents and revolutionaries of the new order in Russia, and inspired intellectuals in succeeding generations. Rejected and attacked, they reacted by turning to violence and dreams of violent struggle. A study of terrorism in the twenty first century finds this pattern repeated. A warning was there. The fact that western ideas which had leaked into Russia ran into the new censorship meant they tended to be distorted into powerful dogma rather than argued into pieces like the rest. The revolutionaries looked to the people, who they were usually born above, as the ideal, and the state, who they reviled, with guilt driven anger. But the intellectuals had no real concept of peasants, just a dream of the people, an abstraction that led Lenin and company to authoritarianism.Calls for a small group of revolutionaries to seize power and create a revolutionary dictatorship to in turn create a socialist society (including removing enemies) were around far before the 1910s, and the 1860s were a golden age for such ideas; now they were violent and hateful. They didn’t have to choose Marxism. Many didn’t at first. Born in 1872, Marx’s Capital was cleared by their Russian censor as they though to too hard to understand to be dangerous, and about an industrial state Russia didn’t have. They were terribly wrong, and it was an instant hit, the fad of its day – the intelligentsia had just seen one popular movement fail, so they turned to Marx as a new hope. No more populism and peasants, but urban workers, closer and understandable. Marx seemed to be sensible, logical science, not dogma, modern and western.One young man, Lenin, was thrown into a new orbit, away from being a lawyer and into being a revolutionary, when his older brother was executed for terrorism. Lenin was drawn into rebellion and expelled from university. He was a fully blown revolutionary derived from other groups in Russia’s history already when he first encountered Marx, and he rewrote Marx for Russia, not the other way round.   Lenin accepted the ideas of the Russian Marxist leader Plekhanov, and they would recruit the urban workers by involving them in strikes for better rights. As ‘legal Marxists’ pushed a peaceful agenda, Lenin and others reacted with a commitment to revolution and creating a counter Tsarist party, strictly organised. They created the newspaper Iskra (the Spark) as a mouthpiece to command the members. The editors were the First Soviet of the Social Democratic Party, including Lenin. He wrote What Is To Be Done? (1902), a hectoring, violent work that set out the party. The Social Democrats split into two groups, the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, at the second Party Congress in 1903. Lenin’s dictatorial approach pushed the split. Lenin was a centraliser who distrusted the people to get it right, an anti-democrat, and he was a Bolshevik whereas the Mensheviks were prepared to work with the middle classes. World War 1 Was the Catalyst The First World War provided the catalyst for Russia’s revolutionary year of 1917. The war itself went badly from the start, prompting the Tsar to take personal charge in 1915, a decision which placed the full responsibility for the next years of failure on his shoulders. As demand for ever more soldiers increased, the peasant population grew angry as young men and horses, both essential for the war, were taken away, reducing the amount they could grow and damaging their standard of living. Russia’s most successful farms suddenly found their labour and material removed for the war, and the less successful peasants became ever more concerned with self-sufficiency, and even less concerned with selling a surplus, than ever before.Inflation occurred and prices rose, so hunger became endemic. In the cities, workers found themselves unable to afford the high prices, and any attempt to agitate for better wages, usually in the form of strikes, saw them branded as disloyal to Ru ssia, disaffecting them further. The transport system ground to a halt due to failures and poor management, halting the movement of military supplies and food. Meanwhile soldiers on leave explained how poorly supplied the army was, and bought first hand accounts of the failure at the front. These soldiers, and the high command who had previously supported the Tsar, now believed he had failed them.An increasingly desperate government turned to using the military to curb the strikers, causing mass protest and troop mutinies in the cities as soldiers refused to open fire. A revolution had begun.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Judge Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Judge - Coursework Example Wright, a member of the same gender as theirs – who they could perceive was a victim of circumstances from the male gender, in general. As noted in the play, â€Å"I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be—for women† (Glaspell, 1916, p. 1). Further, the women could have justified the action of Mrs. Wright that murdering her husband must have been a product of years of solitary confinement and loneliness and where her life could end up just like the canary that was unmercifully killed by her husband. Mrs. Hale was revealed to have said: â€Å"If thered been years and years of nothing, then a bird to sing to you, it would be awful—still, after the bird was still† (Glaspell, 1916, p. 1). To them, Mr. Wright got what he deserved for killing what Mrs. Wright was before they were married: her jovial nature and her love for singing. Mrs. Hale affirmed this when she said: â€Å"Wright wouldnt like the bird—a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that, too† (Glaspell, 1916, p. 1). Collecting the selected things for Mrs. Wright evidently proves that they sympathize and empathize with her condition. One should definitely report them for withholding evidence because even if Mrs. Wright was a victim, herself, in this situation, the killing of her husband is not justified for the solitary confinement and loneliness felt from their marital union. They should have reported all the evidences to the investigation team and leave the matter to judicial process to determine the legal consequences of Mrs. Wright’s

Managed health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Managed health care - Essay Example The patient’s confidentiality must be protected by the provider. A provider is liable for breach of patient’s confidentiality if they disclose confidential information related to the patient without their consent as required by the law (Roberts, 2000). When a managed care organization asks for the client’s personal information to make payment decisions, it may undermine the confidentiality of the patient (Wellspring Counseling, 2005). Providers should be careful in limiting the ability of the managed care organization to modify or amend the contract on its own. If it is possible, the provider is supposed to negotiate the amendment provision, which necessitates the consent of the concerned parties before any amendment is done (Roberts, 2000). Majority of the managed care contracts possess dispute resolution clauses. These clauses deal with the manner in which disputes associated with the agreement will be resolved by the entities. The dispute resolution process includes mediation, arbitration, and litigation in court (Roberts, 2000). The contract must indicate that the provider is not mandated to offer, â€Å"any services under the contract that it does not ordinarily and customarily provide to its patients who are not members of the contracting MCO and its affiliate plans† (Ziel, 1997). The concerned entities may consider adding a clause that particularly lists all the services provided by the MCO and the plans (Ziel, 1997). One of the key issues in quality assurance and utilization management is that providers can be subjected by the managed care organizations to utilization management procedures and policies, which are administered inconsistently and unjustly. There are cases where the providers are not even offered the copies of the policies (Roberts, 2000). A provider is supposed to think about its mandates under the agreement before the contract is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Air Pollution Cause and Effects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Air Pollution Cause and Effects - Research Paper Example It’s not healthy for those who are not sick or old too and the problem is not getting any better. Air pollution is also affecting the earth’s climate, causing it to warm. The consequences of this reality are far-reaching, cataclysmic and are happening now. Hundreds of coal-fired electric power plants and other smoke-stack industries along with hundreds of thousands of vehicles contribute to a significant public health problem by emitting the waste fumes produced by burning fossil fuels. Many studies have acknowledged that a wide array of undesirable health issues occur due to air pollution exposure including higher instances of respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, emergency room trips and premature death. Exposure to the particulate matter found in air pollution has also been connected with low birth weights, birth defects and premature births. About 38 million kids are estimated to live in air polluted areas. Several types of ill nesses linked with air pollutants have risen dramatically the past 30 years. During that time, though the occurrences of death from childhood cancers have decreased considerably due to advances in medical science, the cancer incidence rates among children have gone up by a full third during that same period. â€Å"It is well known that children and infants are uniquely at risk from air pollution both because of physiological susceptibility and greater relative exposure.† (Gasping, 2011). For example, children breathe more air and inhale more pollution as a ratio of body weight as compared to adults. In addition, children play outside much more than adults. And, because their smaller bodies are still developing, kids are more vulnerable to the health problems caused by poisons in the air, principally cancers and reproductive issues which they and their children will suffer with later on in life. In addition, children have a longer life expectancy than their parents therefore h ave a better chance to develop illness from exposure to air pollutant toxins during their lifetime. (Gasping, 2011). Simply but factually stated, air pollution is causing the earth’s climate to change. Greenhouses gasses such as carbon dioxide, the most prevalent pollutant, are warming the earth. Basically, the greenhouse effect occurs by this method: When sunlight penetrates the atmosphere and strikes the surface of the earth not all solar energy from the sun is absorbed. Roughly a third of this energy it is bounced back into space. When living creatures exhale they emit carbon dioxide, it occurs naturally. The amount of naturally occurring carbon dioxide maintains a delicate balance with other forces of nature allowing one-third of energy to escape which has kept the earth’s climate fairly stable for thousands of years. Air pollution gases functions the same way as greenhouse glass, allowing sunlight to enter but retaining the solar heat. Tons of supplemental man-mad e gases being added to the atmosphere during the past century has produced a much thicker layer of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than normal trapping more solar energy and allowing less to escape. â€Å"In the past 150 years, such activities have pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to raise its levels higher than they have been for hundreds of thousands of years.† (â€Å"Air pollution,† 1999). This preventable set of circumstances is making the earth warmer by the year. Lesser known but just

Granpa's Gift To Me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Granpa's Gift To Me - Essay Example My grandpa presented me a beautiful wristwatch on my 10th birthday. When he presented me the watch, he also reminded me that I should not forget to use it properly. Grandpa showed me the stopwatch function of that golden electric watch and insisted me to arrange my actions after setting timer. Analyzing all the incidents occurred in my life after receiving the gift; I can certainly say that the gift helped me to increase my concentration, discipline and above all my confidence level. Therefore, I can say that a good gift can definitely change one’s life. I never thought or heard in my life that a gift helps one to increase one’s concentration. Grandpa clearly showed me how such a gift will increase one’s concentration. Grandpa told me that time is so precious that we should not waste even a minute in our life. He showed me the way of saving time with a small and interesting example. When we started having soup after setting the stopwatch, I could finish the soup ten seconds before him. Grandpa encouraged me by telling that I saved ten seconds which will be really useful for me at a later time. After this incident I began to observe things very minutely and gradually felt the level of my concentration increasing. Another good quality that the gift brought to my life is discipline. Though I was not too lazy, I would very often violate some of the rules and regulations of my school. Majority of these violations were not deliberate and the prominent among them was going late to school. I would often reach school late and miss the first hour of the study, just for being late to some minutes. When started scheduling my time, that is, began to save time, to my wonder I could reach school too early and it opened me the new realm of knowledge. I realized that I was wasting my valuable time on trifles and that is why I cannot complete assignments and homework’s in time. Realizing this fact I rearranged my

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Situation Analysis, Target Market Identification Report Essay

Situation Analysis, Target Market Identification Report - Essay Example This makes them feel more masculine. This report undertakes a comprehensive study of marketing analysis of the luxury wrist watch line of products. It will provide an opportunity to study client’s psychographic needs. This is very vital information as it provides an opportunity for Swatch Group to develop a plan for satisfying customer’s unique needs. A comprehensive analysis report gives information about challenges and opportunities in this market that can be explored by Swatch Group, through its Omega brand, to increase Ladymatic’s market presence. This also helps the company make adjustments on short and long term marketing initiatives and other promotional activities to ensure company resources are utilized in the most cost effective manner. Introduction Ladymatic wrist watch was first released to the market in 1955. Its sales has had a steady growth through the years; only affected by economic slumps experienced in 1970 and 2008. Increased income levels mea nt a higher chunk of its market could afford acquiring this high end device. It was Omega Company’s first brand of self-winding devices for the modern lady; it is also small and light hence the wearer can easily move around having it on. Its design was revolutionized after Swatch Group acquired Omega brand in the late 20th century. Continuous development of this brand as the company responds to consumer needs has led to improved sales. In 2010, the original design was improved by giving it a chic feel to make it more feminine. It was also fitted with a new hand movement with a co-axial escapement. The findings of a market evaluation were that there are several other company brands that pose as a challenge to Omega Ladymatic’s penetration to other markets; at the same time, they are capable of eating into its market. These brands include: Chopard, Citizen, Rolex and Guess. Market intelligence This is developed using three main sources of information: conducting a scruti ny of the company’s internal records and other external sources of information to establish a linkage between marketing initiatives and overall brand performance. Secondly, having a study on market intelligence gives information on changes and developments within the market in terms of consumer tastes and preferences that aid Omega managers plan their marketing drives. Lastly, marketing research is conducted to monitor problems and opportunities within the marketplace; this helps in improving performance after having an understanding of its characteristics. Swatch Group and other major wrist watch manufacturers have weak distribution networks which hinders penetration to new markets. This is according to information received from clients through customer service reports complaining about late deliveries. Market penetration is difficult for smaller manufacturers due to minimal capital might. Huge investment in distribution is needed to attract the right expertise and conduct m arket surveys for a particular market. This however forms a good competitive advantage for bigger industry players like Swatch Group whose Omega brand has remained big on the global scene. The returns on investment (ROI) realised so far has improved its capital base substantially. 1.0 Situational analysis/Current Marketing Mix This gives a brief on both market analysis and

Property law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Property law - Essay Example Therefore, the valuer or surveyor’s only real obligation is to the truth, in that the appraisal must be accurate and not inflated. There are a number of factors that goes into this, as discussed below. Moreover, real estate agents and brokers also have a duty to the truth. This means that they, like the surveyors and valuers, must do extensive research before selling a house, and if they make a material omission or false statement of fact, they will be liable, and this liability is strict. This means that there is liability, regardless of whether the statement is innocent, negligent, reckless or intentional. Therefore, anybody in real estate has a duty to anybody who might be affected by their statements or appraisals, which means that anybody in real estate has the duty to do a thorough and diligent search before committing themselves to selling a house, in the case of real estate agents, or valuing a house, in the case of surveyors or valuers. Two Types of Liability The Prop erty Misdescriptions Act 1991 is an Act that governs many different types of ethical breaches a surveyor might encounter or commit. It states that, when a real estate professional makes a false or misleading statement during the course of a business transaction, the person who made the statement is guilty of an offence under this Act (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991 Â § 1(1)). The same goes for an employee – if an employee makes a false or misleading statement during the course of a business transaction, that employee can be guilty under the Act, whether or not the employer is involved with the breach (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991 Â § 1(2)). The misleading statement must also be material, not trivial, and this is judged by the perspective of the reasonable person (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991). Whether or not the statement is misleading is also judged from the perspective of a reasonable person (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991). Moreover, the Act i s one of strict liability, which means that any statement can be actionable, not just statements that are negligent, reckless or intentional (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991). Therefore, under the Property Misrepresentations Act, a real estate professional, any real estate professional, must be very careful with what they tell prospective buyers. Because the Act is one of strict liability, which means that a real estate professional can still be found guilty under this Act, even if that professional is not aware that the statement that he or she is making is false, that means that one of the major responsibilities that a real estate professional has is the duty to ensure that their statements are true and that there are no material omissions. This would mean that extensive research must be done during any transaction, including title searches, surveys, accurate property appraisals and the like. That said, surveyors may be at risk of negligence. According Murdoch (2005) surveyor s may be guilty of negligence when they do not use skill in preparing their reports and the homeowner relied upon the surveyor’s report (Murdoch, 2005, p. 1). Historically, however, the homeowner would not be able to recover damages from the surveyor, as there was no privity of contract between the homeowner and the surveyor. The privity of contra

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Situation Analysis, Target Market Identification Report Essay

Situation Analysis, Target Market Identification Report - Essay Example This makes them feel more masculine. This report undertakes a comprehensive study of marketing analysis of the luxury wrist watch line of products. It will provide an opportunity to study client’s psychographic needs. This is very vital information as it provides an opportunity for Swatch Group to develop a plan for satisfying customer’s unique needs. A comprehensive analysis report gives information about challenges and opportunities in this market that can be explored by Swatch Group, through its Omega brand, to increase Ladymatic’s market presence. This also helps the company make adjustments on short and long term marketing initiatives and other promotional activities to ensure company resources are utilized in the most cost effective manner. Introduction Ladymatic wrist watch was first released to the market in 1955. Its sales has had a steady growth through the years; only affected by economic slumps experienced in 1970 and 2008. Increased income levels mea nt a higher chunk of its market could afford acquiring this high end device. It was Omega Company’s first brand of self-winding devices for the modern lady; it is also small and light hence the wearer can easily move around having it on. Its design was revolutionized after Swatch Group acquired Omega brand in the late 20th century. Continuous development of this brand as the company responds to consumer needs has led to improved sales. In 2010, the original design was improved by giving it a chic feel to make it more feminine. It was also fitted with a new hand movement with a co-axial escapement. The findings of a market evaluation were that there are several other company brands that pose as a challenge to Omega Ladymatic’s penetration to other markets; at the same time, they are capable of eating into its market. These brands include: Chopard, Citizen, Rolex and Guess. Market intelligence This is developed using three main sources of information: conducting a scruti ny of the company’s internal records and other external sources of information to establish a linkage between marketing initiatives and overall brand performance. Secondly, having a study on market intelligence gives information on changes and developments within the market in terms of consumer tastes and preferences that aid Omega managers plan their marketing drives. Lastly, marketing research is conducted to monitor problems and opportunities within the marketplace; this helps in improving performance after having an understanding of its characteristics. Swatch Group and other major wrist watch manufacturers have weak distribution networks which hinders penetration to new markets. This is according to information received from clients through customer service reports complaining about late deliveries. Market penetration is difficult for smaller manufacturers due to minimal capital might. Huge investment in distribution is needed to attract the right expertise and conduct m arket surveys for a particular market. This however forms a good competitive advantage for bigger industry players like Swatch Group whose Omega brand has remained big on the global scene. The returns on investment (ROI) realised so far has improved its capital base substantially. 1.0 Situational analysis/Current Marketing Mix This gives a brief on both market analysis and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Incremental Advances in WTO Negotiations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Incremental Advances in WTO Negotiations - Essay Example Agricultural Export Subsidies and Cotton The final declaration requires elimination of agricultural export subsidies by 2013, a date agreed to the European Union (EU). The EU is important to be considered here as it accounts for about 90 percent of such spending. The US along with the developing countries were thinking on lines of 2010 as a deadline as they believed it could suffice better progress. The declaration requires elimination of export subsidies on cotton maximum by 2006. this issue is particularly important for West Africa. The U.S. Congress is likely to repeal U.S. cotton export subsidies already, in order to come in line with an adverse WTO dispute-settlement panel ruling. It would accord them duty-free, quota-free access to cotton from the lesser developed countries. However, this can practically only take effect once implementation starts on any final agreement reached in the Doha negotiations. It states as an objective that any negotiated cuts in domestic support spending for cotton farmers in countries that have such programs would have to go deeper and be put into practice faster than any other domestic agricultural subsidy cuts. The U.S. delegation worked intensively with mediators from Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Chad and Senegal; countries that had threatened to block any Doha agreement without acceptable resolution of the cotton issue. Everyone wants to reduce subsidies and eventually eliminate subsides in agricultural goods, was the general impression at the conference. But here was the argument whether this should be true for all agriculture except cotton, or otherwise. Ultimately, cotton has finally been placed with the rest of its agriculture fraternity. Duty-Free, Quota-Free Market Access The declaration requires the provision of duty-free and quota-free market access for most products from the 32 least-developed countries by 2008 or no later than the start of the implementation period of any agreement. It requires such access for at least 97 percent of products as that fall in line with the tariff schedule. The United States had pressed for exceptions to duty-free, quota-free for specific products that already trade competitively on the global market. The United States has not decided on what products it might exclude from duty-free, quota-free treatment.Sugar may or may not be one possibility.Earlier in the week it was suggested that other possible exclusions, including certain competitive textile products from Bangladesh and Cambodia may be considered. The Doha negotiations have languished almost since they were launched in 2001, with an impasse over politically difficult agriculture issues blocking most other progress. By the end of 2006, they are scheduled to conclude a deadline of sorts for the United States, which has trade negotiating authority from Congress only until

Monday, October 14, 2019

Becoming a Business Accountant Essay Example for Free

Becoming a Business Accountant Essay Business Accountant help to ensure that the country’s firms are run efficiently, its taxes are paid on time and its public records stay accurate. Accountants offer a wide variety of business and accounting services. Some of these services are: public, management and government accounting. Their main tasks are preparing, analyzing, and verifying financial documents in order to provide information to clients. Many accountants are required to have a lot of skill and knowledge. Most accountant work in an office, however those that are self-employed may be able to do part of their work at home. Accountants who are employed by public accounting firms and government agencies sometime have to travel often to perform audit at branches of their firm, clients’ places of business, or government facilities. Usually accountants work about a 40-hour week, but most work longer especially if they are self-employed and have many clients. Most accountant position requires at least a bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field. Beginning accounting positions in the Federal Government requires 4 years of college including 24 semester hour in accounting or an equal amount of education and experience. Also practical knowledge of computers and their applications in accounting is a good thing to have for job seekers in accounting field. People who want a career in accounting should have a skill in mathematics and be able to analyze, compare, and interpret facts and figures quickly. They must be able to communicate the results of their work to clients.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Petty Officer Of The Navy Commerce Essay

Petty Officer Of The Navy Commerce Essay Responsibility, authority, and accountability always go hand in hand. Its known that the more authority one has then the need of being more responsible and accountable. Figures in authority have to bear a lot of responsibility and with the weighty decisions they make they have to be we see the need of all that. Petty officers also commonly know as the PO is a leader with authority in the navy. They are involved in the decision making process and the delegation of duties to the naval crew. They come up with the strategies and they are responsible for all the actions being executed. Being a leader you always have to lead by example and be willing to teach and take the necessary corrections when the need arises. The PO has a lot to do concerning corrections. They are charge with the responsibility of warning and reprimanding the personnel. They also put the personnel on the report if there are any mistakes they have done in line of duty. Tasks given to them might not be easy to undertake but they come as part of the responsibility they have. There is the utilization of the principle of delegation of authority in the workforce. This authority is the responsibility of the officers since they are the ones who are responsible for the actions of their juniors. Everyone who has been assigned a particular task has the obligation of accomplishing it, hence there is completion of the tasks. In the navy cases of bad behavior are always there. One can say that you cannot expect every one to behave exceptionally well given that they were all brought up differently and in different environments. Many things can bring up the negative side of an individual. Depending on the conditions and the environment a person is in, the character of the given person is expected to show up though the same person may try as much as possible to hide it. In the navy for example, the sailors always go on expeditions which can last for several months without one having to step on land. Many sailors will experience sea sickness while others may develop psychological problems. The most important thing when this happens is if the affected officer will cope with what is affecting there them. Carrying naval officers on board who are not in their correct state of mind can prove costly especially in circumstances such as during war. Every marine on board should be able to think exceptionally well and perform a given task as needed. Whenever the sailors achieve anything good they all take credit for it and do the same when everything does wrong they dont point fingers at any of them because they are a team. Whom do we blame when things go wrong? Some can say its the people who were assigned the task, others can argue that its the leaders or simply those put oversee the complete of the task. Both sides could be right but they could also be wrong. Different circumstances result in different measures being taken to correct them. When instructions are given it is upon the person giving them out to ensure that they are all followed and also the person given to follow them as needed (Stavridis Girrier, 2004). Importance of good behavior Military schools and academies are said to give the best training towards a persons character. They mould them into dependable people whom their countries have much expectation on. When they leave the academies, one can easily tell whop has changed or not. Others might not be able to change at all. While on the navy there are those who tend to break the rules. The petty officer is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the regulations set are followed. Whenever something goes wrong he will be answerable many things the crew has done. We find that the behavior of any given officer a matters a lot. Some incidents can bring diplomatic rows, others may be detrimental to the force but for a force to stand its ground there should be mechanisms which are in place to correct any irregularity when it arises. Thought its not at a high level of command the position held by the petty officer plays an important role by correcting mistakes made. OP is tasked with ensuring the safety of his crew. Excising ones authority over grownups can be challenging having in mind that the person you are in-charge is the same age as you or could be even older. One has to be responsible and accountable. The example you set may make someone to respect or despise you as a leader. Disciple is an important aspect of any military unit. There is no exception when it comes to the navy as well. For order to be their, there has to be discipline within then people concerned. People have to behave. Many sailors exhibit high sense of discipline. They do as they are ordered to do by those above them in the chains of command. You find that orders given are done as needed with few doing the opposite of that. Some orders may come from the highest order of command. When such an order is given and it has to be done by the most junior person in the command line its the sole responsibility of those who have been delegated the order to ensure that the task is c ompleted and if not it would be against the military discipline that you always have to followed orders from your superiors and ensure that they are done. When a junior officer misbehaves and a petty officer is around the PO has to punish the misbehaving officer or he will be reprimanded. All the petty officers are charged with the responsibility of chain of command. There must be indication to all of them that one is punishable incases of any instances of inappropriate behavior in the chain of command. When they do the punishment they are assuming their moral of authority and undertaking his responsibility. Punishment is another way of instilling discipline. Depending on the seriousness of the rules broken the type of punishment also varies. If there is a fight and a petty officer is present it is his responsibility to punish the responsible offenders. The authority given to the petty officer has to be used where needed. Accountability is a quality that a petty officer must also have. When you punish a person for a mistake he/she has done you should be able to give an account of what the person had done to warrant such a punishment. Some punishments can be too harsh and when the person being punished complains you have to take the explain reasons why you think the punishment is the right one and that you are not biased against the person. Being a petty officer, it could be a hard thing making decisions which are right or even making any given decision. Being a human being can sometimes make life hard for us. This happens when making decisions which can change a persons life forever. An example is writing a report which could lead to someone being sacked. No one would like to see a person suffer after losing a job. Being in such a situation is tough even for a PO but one has to choose between doing your job and giving the person another chance. On being given the rank of the petty officer it came with a responsibility that requires one to do the job as is expected. The person who committed the offence is guilty as charged because he had the option of not committing the offence in the first place. The person did not behave as expected prompting action to be taken against him. A mistake by one officer of a naval unit may bring an internal conflict within the unit and when there is a conflict; coordination between the officers cannot be at its best. This can raise a security situation depending on what activity the navy was involved in though there has to be unity every time and also the reason we find the need of positions like that of the petty officer. Effects of disrespect to authority Respect is a virtue that has to be earned. It is not something that one can demand for. To get respect one has to earn it. One can earn respect just as easily as one can lose it. Its one of the military core values. Officers in military have to respect each other so that discipline can prevail. Senior officers in the military are to ensure that junior soldiers respect one another. Like in the navy the petty officers are among those who are tasked with ensuring that junior officers respect each other. They as leaders try to do their best at enforcing respect and discipline within the officers. Disrespect on the other hand can be termed as that the show of indifference towards figures in authority. Within the navy there are cultures and courtesies to be observed. When a naval officer does not observe these courtesies it can be termed as disrespect. It is hard sometimes to tell when someone shows disrespect to a person unless someone speaks up while in some cases signs of disrespect can be easily noted. For example not making the customary salute to a superior officer when you are supposed to do so is a sign of disrespect. Being rude to your superiors is also termed as disrespect. Another example of disrespect is using uncouth language in the presence of your superior or when referring to the officer while using the same language. The superior officer does not have to be there for it to be considered disrespect. The military runs smoothly on trust but trust cannot exist if there is no respect. It always takes a lot to earn a soldiers trust then respect. Why would an officers respect a superior officer they cannot trust? As a leader a petty officer need to have the ability to guide direct and influence the people who are his juniors. This is leading by example. There have been many cases of disrespect within the military. When such a thing happens those involved usually have a case to answer to the superiors. It is said if you cant respect anyone in authority then at-least respect the position the person is holding. Any disrespect towards the authority is usually punishable in many countries. Military units are not left out of this. When a soldier in a military unit is punished, the person doing the punishment should have in mind that the officer must not be demoralized but instead take the punishment positively and not to repeat the same mistake. Perception of respect varies for different people. Something might be perceived as disrespect by one party but another party can perceive it differently. The perception usually has an effect on the kind of punishment given. Some punishments can be termed as harsh while others lenient. People have been imprisoned for disrespecting those in authority. Many of these cases are undertaken by dictatorial regimes. In countries with open democracy imprisoning a person because of disrespect are not common. Signs of disrespect cannot be taken kindly in military institutions. People are sometimes suspended pending investigation. When the investigation is complete some loose their jobs, some are transferred to different stations while others continue in their suspension. When a very junior officer in a military unit disrespects another one with very senior position, blame may be directed towards the immediate superiors of the officer and it assumed that they allowed such a behavior to develop by not taking any action to correct that same mistake that the officer showed. Rarely do we find junior officer disrespecting their seniors but few cases occur. As part of the responsibility of a petty officer, it is part of their work to instill discipline on the junior officers. They should also be accountable when a junior officer shows disrespect to those superior to him and even those on the same rank (Montor, 1998). Before any punishment is given to any officer it has to be approved by a court- martial and the maximum punishment would be being discharged because of inappropriate behavior, going without pay and allowances and detention for a year. Unauthorized absence of a sailor from his post There are many forms of absenteeism. The sailor might not go to the place of duty at all or that he goes to his post then leaves it to go somewhere else without any authority or reason given for absenting oneself. The unauthorized absence means that the sailor knew he had to be at the specified place at that time or, he had been ordered to be there but failed to be there. The punishment for not being at the intended place at a given time will be determined by a court martial. Before any punishment is given out it has to be proven that the accused knew that he was supposed to be there and had absented himself from certain exercises he knew of. They always depend on circumstantial evidence for this. Unauthorized absence can be through motivated forms of the same like a situation where one leaves his post with the intention of leaving it untended. One may not really have the intention of unauthorized absence while being held by civilian authorities for a crime he committed or might not have committed. One is punished is if he is found guilty of that crime. The duration being held does not matter that much. Whether one was on leave or not and is being held by civilian authorities it does not give a person an excuse of being absent neither can it be said that it was intentional. Conviction does not also give the person an excuse not return to his post as what happened is was a result of his own intentions. The only situation where one is found to be innocent is if he is released by the authorities with no trial being done or if the person was on leave when he was arrested but was later proven innocent after hearing the case. Sometimes sickness, lack of transport facilities make one absent from his post and is part of unauthorized absence but when reviewing the offence committed by the person it should be given careful considerations before judgment is passed (Mack, Seymour McComas, 1998). After unauthorized absence there are ways where the unauthorized absence can be written off. When one is been arrested by civilian authorities before the navy gives any request, informing the navy of the arrest makes the absentee available for return to navy control. While under military control the absence is terminated. Surrendering oneself to military authority and notifying them of your unauthorized absence shows that you are wiling to submit yourself to there control. This also brings to an end illegal absence. Other ways which the unauthorized absence can be terminated are when the absentee is personally arrested by the navy and arrest of the absentee at the request of the navy. In some cases one can be found to be absent more than once under a single specification. Unauthorized absence by the naval officer from his post is punishable but the punishment usually depends mostly on how long the sailor had been absent. For the naval officer or sailor if he fails to go to his post for a time not more than three days he will have to go without two-thirds of his monthly income for a period of one month and will also be confined for the same duration of time. If the sailor absents himself for a period of less than thirty days but more than three days he will just be earning a third of his usual monthly in come and will be confined for half a year. For an absence of more than thirty days the sailor will not get his pay but also go into detention for one year. He will also have a dishonorable discharge. If the sailor is arrested after being absent for more than a month the sentence would be the same but he will be detained for six more months. For other forms of absence like absence from his post as a guard and absence as a guard but with the will of bein g absent, he would get the following sentences respectively: being detained for a quarter of a year while he earns a third of his salary. The other sentence would be going without pay, will be detained for half a year and be discharged from the force for bad-conduct. We can now determine that the absence of the sailor from his post would be punishable unless it is proven that it did not happen out of his own will. In conclusion every one in the force has to be responsible and accountable in whatever they do as any action undertaken has an effect which can either be positive or negative.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Islamic Societys Treatment of Women Essay -- Religion Islam Muslim

Islamic Society's Treatment of Women From the time of birth, a Muslim woman's place in Islamic society already has a shadow cast over it. Instead of the joyous cry that boys receive of "Allah Abkar"1 when they are born, a baby girl is welcomed into the world with a hushed Qurannic prayer. Although Islam venomously denies its role in the suppression of women, a survey of Islamic countries reveals that women are denied their humanity. The status of women in Islamic countries is undeniably inferior to men. Over the last twenty years, progress has been made in many countries which has helped elevate the roles which Muslim women play in their societies. Although progress has been made in certain countries, there still exist those Islamic countries where being born female guarantees a lack of rights, liberty, and happiness. This paper will explore the question, "What forces are limiting the Muslim woman's equivocal participation in Islamic society?" Islam's followers are approximated at 1.2 billion, which makes it a runner up only to Christianity that has about 2 million adherents. Women constitute about half of that population. However, it is important to note that this paper examines the treatment of women in the strongholds of the Islamic domain. These populations include the Arab countries of Saudi Arabi, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, Yemen, Israel, Oman, and Lebanon. Muslim women of the African countries of Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia are also weighed in this analysis. In addition to these better known Islamic countries, the paper also observes the societal treatment of women in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, India, and Bangladesh. About 90... ...d rationalists of yesteryear who tried to import Greek ideas...Women have been, are, and will continue to be targets of intimidation and violence, whether from regimes in power or opposition movements that hark back to the past. It happened in Pakistan in the 1980s; it is still going on in Iran; and today at the beginning of the 1990s, it is happening in Algeria. Tomorrow the same thing can happen elsewhere...Today they constitute one of the most dynamic components of the developing civil society. Although up to the present they are still politically unorganized, they have succeeded in infiltrating one of the citadels which was long forbidden to them: formal education. Education, with high school and university diplomas, is women's new acquisition. Until now all women were taught to do, from housework to carpet weaving, was devalued and poorly paid.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Business Etiquette and God

Business Etiquette and God Where Does God Fit In? Andrew Estep Liberty University Abstract This paper uses scripture from the Bible and many other credible sources to instruct the reader about the role God plays within business etiquette. The research targets business interactions from a Christian’s perspective. Many of the references used in this paper, have at some point or another, run or are running a legitimate company. The research conducted by each person comes from personal experience and other well established sources. If examined together, the writings of these authors coincide with one another and the word of God. All the research points to single thesis; God should be in the middle of our daily lives and especially our jobs. Also, in order to truly grasp the full meaning of living a Christ centered life, deeper learning and understanding is required. Tying God and etiquette together is essential for a Christian person aspiring to be a businessman or businesswoman. Within business etiquette, there lie many know how’s, why’s and what for’s. Business etiquette consists of mannerisms and ways of doing business appropriately. Without a standard of etiquette which is acceptable by all cultures and all peoples, business etiquette would become chaotic. Every group, language, and person would define their own ways, which if you are not happy with, too bad. Of course,etiquette varies slightly from one country and culture to another, but these variations are minor and if studied at a slightest bit would be easy to remember for future references. If asked, â€Å"What is business etiquette? † Most people would respond with something like this, â€Å"how to eat right, how to sit right, how to talk right, and how to dress right. This is correct to a certain extent but business etiquette requires a little more performance from an individual practicing it. If one truly wants to understand why and how etiquette is conducted, they must simply take a little more time in learning etiquette and maybe even researching the history for why things are done the way they are. Now, let us say one inquires as to how God a nd Christianity fit into business etiquette? In order to answer this inquiry, one must understand that business etiquette is a lot more intricate then the common thoughts it is associated with. Being a well mannered business person requires class and style which do not come with ease. These attributes are learned and practiced daily. Etiquette, if honest and real, can truly show a person’s heart. Real etiquette is seen from the outside and the inside of a person. Motives, thoughts, ideals, and character alike are the catalysts for the beginnings of a â€Å"type† of person. If the heart is pure, the man will be pure also, but if the heart is deceitful, so will be the man. Proverbs tells us, â€Å"A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him. (New International Version, 2005)This paper will explore the different levels of doing business etiquette from a Christian perspective. A Christian is held to a higher standard, not necessarily by men, but rather by God. As a Christian, we are called to be lights in this world and to live for God’s glory so that he might be ple ased with us. C. S Lewis tells us, â€Å"For glory means good report with God, acceptance by God, response, acknowledgement, and welcome into the heart of things. †(Lewis, 2001) Since Christians are called to a higher standard, etiquette must be broken down even further and needs to include the minute details of life. These details include; rapports, money, walk with God, life perspective, choices, building a reputation and lastly our goals; not necessarily in that order. These seven categories are not the only areas involved with Christian etiquette, but rather seven of many. This paper will focus on these attributes and explain how Christianity and etiquette can be tied together in order to become Christian business etiquette. Within the human society and the world, a name is one of the most important aspects of a person, place, or thing. When speaking of a name, the prettiness of the names is not what is being discussed here, but rather what one thinks about the object or person being described. â€Å"Reputation and name are often linked, like hand and glove. There is value in a name. †(Pollard, 2006) To better understand the meaning of this, here are a few names; Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, Enron, and Al-Qaida. On the opposite spectrum we have Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr. , C. S. Lewis, Gandhi, World Peace Organization, and Compassion International. Each one of these names has a deeper meaning associated with them. Hitler and Stalin were mass murderers, Enron was a cheating company and Al-Qaida is a terrorist funding organization. On the other hand Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr. , and Gandhi were and are people of noble character, World Peace organization speaks for itself and Compassion International is a light for children globally. The name of a person or an organization will either make them or break them. Proverbs says, â€Å"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. (New International Version, 2005) A name becomes what it is by the way it is lived out. The individual or the company with the name cannot define its reputation, for it is the people around them who are the judges. The individual or the company can lead the direction of the people’s thoughts by how he or it acts. An evil person will be deemed evil, and a righteous person will be deemed righteous . William Pollard says, â€Å"What’s in our name? A rich heritage and legacy of the past and also a purpose and direction for the future. It is both valuable and fragile. It can be used or abused. It is an intangible asset of the firm. †(Pollard, 2006) Here Pollard is speaking of the company he once ran which can also be applied to a human name. Within business etiquette, if your name is already in shambles, the person whom you are trying to relate with will want nothing to do with you. This is why the Bible says in Ephesians, â€Å"Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. †(New International Version, 2005) A character who makes a name for themselves is usually a person who contains many great attributes. Most of all, he is a person who has learned for themselves the value of life and the secret of joyful living. The great thing about being a Christian, is knowing what one is working for and why. Let’s clarify though, that a Christian does not attain salvation by works, but rather by a relationship with Christ. Once a person becomes a Christian, they learn and want to be workmen for Christ Jesus. Ephesians says, â€Å"For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. †(New International Version, 2005) As a Christian then, it is important to work for God and His glory. A true believer would find joy in the workrather than it being a nuisance. There is a saying that if you enjoy your job, you’ll never work another day. Many people do not have such an attitude about their job and this negativity can be very unhealthy in a workplace. David Stewards says, â€Å"That kind of thinking not only makes work boring and tedious, it causes stress and sometimes leads to health problems. In addition, a negative person in the workplace can hurt the morale of coworkers. The negative effect can extend to customers and vendors. (Stewards, 2004) As can be seen, negativity in a workplace can have far more reaching effects then realized. Within business etiquette, how a person carries themselves and displays their demeanor is a crucial know-how. By displaying the joy of work, one can usually spread the ‘joy bug’ to the coworkers around them. Another way people view work is as deadlines, tedious tasks, large projects and just another paycheck. When viewed that way, it is impossible for work not to seem awful. One author says, â€Å"Beauty inspires hope, and provides a reason for seeing differently. Business can be beautiful, which is part of the reason it so engages our lives and imagination. †(Costa, 2005) Christians are meant to find joy in work, despite the type of work that it is. Gains and losses can apply for more than just capital, money and profits. Every time a decision to act in one way or another is made, it affects a gain or a loss in our standings with others. One author has described these standings as a spiritual capital account. Ken Eldred proposed an account like a bank account which can grow or shrink with deposits or withdrawals. The spiritual capital currency that is deposited (or withdrawn) is the exercise (or lack of exercise) of biblical principles: integrity, accountability, honesty, hope, love, trust, stewardship, fairness, order, loyalty, service, and so forth. †(Eldred, 2005) Christian businessmen, as stated earlier are held to a higher standard and are called to be leaders within their workplace. This is how business builds a good rapport with their customers. Even if this does not help them to get ahead in their financial standing, it helps them increase in their popularity standings. It is not always easy to do the right thing, and it is also not always easy to know what the right thing is. This is why God has instilled us with that all so small little voice (Holy Spirit) which speaks and guides us. Steward says, â€Å"Let’s give credit where credit is due. What people call a gut feeling isn’t what they think. I believe what we label an innate response is actually spiritually inspired. †(Steward, 2004) In business, people have to make quick choices on their feet, and it is important to make the right choices. Etiquette is about saying the right things at the right time so as to be competent or at least appear that way. We are to be diligent in what and how we say or approach people. The book of James says, â€Å"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. †(New International Version, 2005) Money is yet another important topic, but one might wonder how money relates to etiquette. The society runs on money. Money is the fuel that makes our world go round and round. The way a Christian spends, makes, and views money reflects that persons understanding of its purpose. It also reflects on how he views his job, why he works and how hard he works. â€Å"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. †(New International Version, 2005) Christians are called to give freely for everything we have comes from the Lord. â€Å"The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. †(New International Version, 2005) A Roman Catholic Priest named Paoli had associated money with grace. It probably could not be better explained then in the terms Paoli has provided. â€Å"Money represents an exchange of potentialities that depends on trust and circulates hope. None of us create money. We may earn and grow it, but like grace it is a value that exists beyond any one of us – that we participate in without any particular merit, and that ultimately passes through us. † (Costa, 2005) Money provides security; it gives hope to some and ideas of grandeur to others. When money is scarce, despair starts setting in, stress amounts, and pressures build allowing for fear to dominate the life. For a Christian, money is a tool for God’s purpose, and a Christian should not be afraid of finance shortages. By being an example in the workplace and by showing good stewardship of money, a person can have great influence on the coworkers in the workplace. â€Å"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? †(New International Version, 2005) Just as for any business man or company, increasing personal or shareholder wealth is the most important aspect of business. In order to attain this goal of any successful company, strategic vision is an essential element. â€Å"A strategic vision thus points an organization in a particular direction, charts a strategic path, and molds organizational identity. †(Thompson, Strickland & Gamble, 2007) For a Christian, a strategic vision comes from the Lord. Christians are called to follow God in all that they do with a mind set and understanding that God has the best plans for them. â€Å"’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. †(New International Version, 2005) God is a God of love, and he wants the best for his people. If the people come to him and just ask, He will provide for them and share with them His thoughts. â€Å"For God to do the outrageous through us, we need to be in agreement with Him and have a clear vision of where we are going. We need to identify how God is wo rking to further His Kingdom so that we can pull in the same direction. †(Eldred, 2005) Without this vision, the people are like sheep stranded in the wilderness without direction or a way back home. A mission statement is what defines a company, but without a vision, there can be no mission. Every mission has an end goal; this end goal is the vision being discussed. When it comes to leading people, vision is a necessity. â€Å"I strongly believe that in order to lead, one must have a vision. It’s the vision that provides the leader and his organization with direction. The lack of a vision is akin to raveling across the country with no roadmap and no destination. As a result, you turn in this direction, then go that way, meandering everywhere. †(Steward, 2004) Here is a very important question when it comes to being aligned with God’s vision. â€Å"How can you know God’s plans without knowing Him? A person, who does not spend time with God, doesn’t know God; therefore doesn’t have His vision. Jesus tells us in John, â€Å"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. †(New International Version, 2005) As stated in the previous paragraph, it is really hard to know God without spending time and walking with H im. Walking consistently with God is the next stage of getting to know him and his business plans an individual’s life. Christians are called to live their life with Christ as their partner, brother, father, wife, etc†¦ John Costa points out a resemblance of how one is to live, that with the life of Christ. As suggested earlier, Jesus taught, preached and embodied a ‘double and’ theology. In every interaction or experience – for every decision or response – he insisted that binary exclusions be broken and that the intimate, loving presence of God be made near and dear. †(Costa, 2005) An important lesson to grasp from this is that people cannot do anything on their own. Every ability and success comes from the Lord. Proverbs says, â€Å"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (New International Version, 2005) Also, â€Å"He who t rusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe. †(New International Version, 2005) Walking in wisdom is another way of saying walking with God. For a Christian business man, losing sight of God could easily mislead the man down the wrong path. Many Christians claim to know God and to walk with Him. But many Christians are also fooling themselves and others around them. Sometimes these so-called Christian people know they are doing this, but sometimes they are truly buying into their own lie. The real test of walking with God comes when a man or a woman comes to a fork in the road. Not just a normal fork with easy decisions about which market to enter and such; this is too easy. The fork spoken of here has one road which takes them to United States and the other one to Mexico. Or to put it simply, they can either chose God or their business. If the business is heading in a direction away from God, what should one do? If a person is ordered to act in a way that goes against God’s thinking, what actions should they take? Our nation has a rich heritage of great Americans who risked their lives to stand up for their beliefs. †(Steward, 2004) Another business person says, â€Å"We seek to honor God as an end goal and recognize that growing profitably is a means goal. †(Pollard, 2006) If people chose idols such as success, money, and prestige over God, in the end God will not recognize them for loving him above all. The penalties for not choosing God could b e even far worse than expected. â€Å"Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers. †(New International Version, 2005) Walking away from what is known to be wrong is walking towards God. Choosing Jesus shows real faith and real commitment. When a person lives out their beliefs with their actions, it is called integrity. People with integrity can be trusted and relied on to do as they say. Christians are not supposed to be afraid of what others think of them when it comes to choosing between right and wrong. Jesus says, â€Å"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. †(New International Version, 2005) A great verse to summarize this paragraph is found in Matthews 6:24, â€Å"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. †(New International Version, 2005) Many people would ask what some of the above paragraphs have to do with business etiquette. The answer to that question can be summarized in the following way: Etiquette is the interactions between people. People follow and lead by seeing or setting examples for one another. Christian business etiquette requires a higher standard to live by. In order to live by these standards, different outlooks on life have to be grasped and understood. For a Christian, these outlooks are associated with a life lived for Jesus Christ. In order to live a Christ filled life, certain practices and choices are required. These practices and choices, if done correctly, achieve the end goal of intertwining of God and business etiquette. By joining of God and etiquette together, types of pure actions and motives are produced. John Costa says in his book, Magnificence at Work, â€Å"Small things matter because any company or person that settles for less than magnificence in effect collaborates with the opposing multiplication of meanness. †(Costa, 2005) If the logic above is not simple enough, the following sentence should help: Christians are to display God in all that they do and say, this includes etiquette. References Costa, J. D. (2005). Magnificence at Work: Living Faith in Business. MontrA ©al: Novalis. Eldred, K. (2005). God is at Work: Transforming People and Nations Through Business. Ventura, CA: Regal Books. Gamble, J. E. , J. , A. , Thompson, A. , & Strickland, I. (2009). Crafting & Executing Strategy: Text and Readings (17 ed. ). Boston: Mcgraw-Hill College. Lewis, C. S. (2001). The Weight of Glory (New Ed ed. ). SanFrancisco: HarperSanFrancisco. Pollard, C. W. (2006). Serving Two Masters? : Reflections on God and Profit. New York: Harperbusiness. Shook, R. L. , & Steward, D. (2004). Doing Business by the Good Book: Fifty-Two Lessons on Success Sraight from the Bible (1st ed. ). New York: Hyperion. Zondervan. (2006). NIV Thinline Brown/Nero Black – FCS. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Voluntary Active Euthanasia

Voluntary Active Euthanasia Carlene Lawrence Hodges University PHI 3601 OL3 November 19, 2012 Abstract This paper will discuss the benefits of the legalization of Voluntary Active Euthanasia (VAE). It will define the differences between Active Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide, as well as the difference between active and passive. We will look at VAE from a legal perspective, with discussion about specific court cases that have set precedence in this matter. We will also look at it from a moral point of view; from a perspective of Utilitarian and Subjectivist principles, to show that VAE should be considered morally correct.Voluntary Active Euthanasia This paper will discuss the benefits of Active Voluntary Euthanasia (VAE). Although it is sometimes referred to as mercy killings, it is one of the most controversial topics in our world today. Many believe the right to live is one of the most important human rights. The right to die should be equally as important. First, we mus t discuss the difference between active and passive euthanasia. Active is the process by which a person is given something, such as a prescribed medication, to end their life, while passive is allowing a person to die naturally, not being given anything to help sustain their life.Second, we must not confuse VAE with Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS), as the two are quite different. With VAE, it is the doctor who administers life ending medications, with the patient’s permission, while with PAS, the patient is the one who ultimately ends their own life. It can be argued that there is no moral difference between active and passive, since the consequences, intentions, and actions are primarily the same. If medical treatment is withheld, allowing them to die naturally, this will prolong their pain and suffering, as well as that of their loved ones left to bear witness.It will also lead to large medical bills, which the families will be left to deal with. In an era where the cultur e is to provide rescue medicine, it is hard to decide what to do when facing end of life decisions for your loved ones. According to the Hippocratic Oath, physicians must â€Å"use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but will not use it to injure or wrong them† (Friend, 2011). While the actual Oath has been rewritten many times over the years, to reflect cultural changes, it has the same essence. But, who decides what is considered as injuring or wronging them?One person may consider aiding in the death of another to be wrong, but the person dying may not. U. S. District Judge Barbara Rothstein (1194) wrote, â€Å"There is no more profoundly personal decision, no one which is closer to the heart of personal liberty, than the choice which a terminally ill person makes to end his or her suffering†. Assisted suicide and euthanasia have been worldly controversial for centuries. However, the first organizations created to support the legalizatio n of such were in 1935 and 1938, in Great Britain and the United States, respectively.Great strides have been made in the right direction though. Consider the case of Karen Ann Quinlan. In 1975, after mixing alcohol and drugs at a party, Karen become unconscious and slipped into a coma (Quinlan & Radimer, 2005). After months of watching their daughter suffer, being kept alive by machines, the family decided they knew their daughter would not want to live this way and requested she be taken off of the respirator. However, they quickly found out that their wish could not be carried out without a court order. They lost their first court battle in New Jersey Superior Court.They appealed this decision and ended up in New Jersey State Supreme Court, where by a unanimous decision, they won. Karen’s father, Joseph Quinlan, was names as Karen’s guardian, and was permitted to make all healthcare choices for her. Julia Quinlan, Karen’s mother, writes: The ruling gave patie nts and families the right to live each stage of life, including the last stage, with dignity and respect, and for medical institutions such as hospitals, hospices and nursing homes that would now be required to establish and maintain ethics committees.In addition, the Quinlan case led to the creation of the â€Å"living will,† sometimes called an â€Å"advanced directive,† which outlines the personal wishes of the individual in regard to â€Å"extraordinary means† to maintain life. (Quinlan 2005) In 1990, 40 states collectively passed laws allowing competent citizens the right to make living wills. These documents put the power back into the hands of the ill, by allowing their wishes and voices to be heard when they themselves are unable to speak.They instruct doctors to withhold life-supporting treatment and systems in the event a person becomes terminally ill. They can also instruct emergency doctors not to perform life resuscitating devices when a person has become injured or ill. It is the opinion of this writer and other proponents, like Compassion & Choices (http://www. compassionandchoices. org) that it become legal to include right to die choices like voluntary euthanasia. In ancient Rome and Greece, putting someone to death, or assisting in dying was acceptable in certain situations.For example, it was acceptable to put to death newborns with severe birth defects. It wasn’t until Christianity started developing in the West, that euthanasia was determined to be morally and ethically wrong. It was, and still is, seen as a â€Å"violation of God’s gift of life†. (Abdulkadir, Ansari, & Sambo, 2012, p 673). This is where the ethical debate inevitably ensues. Opponents mostly come from the medical profession as well as religious groups. They believe that medical providers should be more concerned with caring and healing then curing and the ultimate outcome.Legalizing active euthanasia could put too much power in th e hands of the medical professionals, allowing the ill to be easily swayed and opening up the option for many lawsuits from surviving family members who do not agree with the practice. Proponents reason that keeping someone alive with medications and medical instruments, when they would otherwise die is not sustaining a true life. Also, they believe that this is not a question of if someone is to die, but how much they suffer in the interim. The main concern of health providers should be to ease or eliminate pain and suffering.If we can accept that passive euthanasia (rejecting the use of life sustaining treatment) is ethically and morally correct, than we should also accept active euthanasia as well. Utilitarianism says that actions should be judges as morally acceptable or unacceptable based on increases and decreases in total happiness and/or misery (total meaning everyone involved, not just one individual (Barcalow, 2007). Using this as a guide, it can be determined that VAE wou ld essentially be reducing misery by allowing terminally ill, and sick to die nstead of suffering. Therefore, it would be morally acceptable. Let us look at VAE from a Subjectivism standpoint. Subjectivism claims that â€Å"whatever an individual believes to be right or wrong is right or wrong for that individual† (Barclow, 2007). Therefore, what may be morally correct for one person may not be for another. Under this principle, we should consider that if you believe VAE to be morally incorrect, that does not stand to reason all of society believes this as well. Let’s look at euthanasia another way.Merriam-Webster (2012) defines euthanasia as: â€Å"the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy†. In most states, where VAE is not legal, doctors are permitted to withhold medical treatment from a dying person, if that is their wish. While this is not considered actively administering life ending medication, it can still be considered actively allowing the person to die, if the treatment they are withholding would keep the person alive, even if only temporarily.When defending the case for active euthanasia, often the subject of our pets inevitably comes up. It is common practice when our pets become ill or injured, to put them out of their misery, we have them, as we say, ‘put to sleep’, or ‘put down’. You never hear of someone keeping their pet alive on life sustaining machines and medications. When asked why they chose to put down their pet, almost everyone answers with they couldn’t bear to see the animal suffer. So then why do feel the need to keep our humans alive? Currently there are four states in the U. S. hat have legalized active euthanasia; Oregon in 1994 by the Oregon Death and Dignity Act, , Texas in 1999 by the Texas Futile Care Law, Washington in 2008 by the Washin gton Death and Dignity Act and Montana in 2008 through a trial court ruling, Baxter vs. Montana. It is also legal in several European and eastern countries, such as Belgium, Columbia, and the Netherlands. It is legal in certain situations in Switzerland. In conclusion, using the Utilitarian and Subjectivism Moral Principles, should consider voluntary active euthanasia morally acceptable. References Abdulkadir, A. B. , Ansari, A. H. , & Sambo, A.O. (2012). The right to die via euthanasia: an expository study of the shari'ah and laws in selected jurisdictions. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 673+ Barcalow, E. (2007). Moral philosophy: Theories and issues. (4th Ed. ed. ). Belmont: The Thomson Corporation. Daniel, P. S. (2011). Speaking of the value of life. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal,  21(2), 181-199,6. Euthanasia (a) in Merriam-webster online dictionary. (2012, March 09). Retrieved from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/euthanasia Friend, Mary Louanne,M. N. , R. N. (2011). Physician-assisted suicide: Death with dignity?Journal of Nursing Law,  14(3), 110-116. Doi Rothstein, B. R. (1994). Assisted suicide: Helping terminally ill. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 12(10), 615. Mary, L. F. (2011). Physician-assisted suicide: Death with dignity? Journal of Nursing Law,  14(3), 110-116. doi/913146489 Quinlan, J. , ; Radimer, F. (2005). My joy, my sorrow. Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press. Rachels, J. (1975) Active and passive euthanasia . The New England Journal of Medicine 292 78-80 Rachels, J. 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